Nasopharyngeal cancer diagnosis

Occasional Contributor

Nasopharyngeal cancer diagnosis

I've just been diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer a few days ago and am just about to undergo the PET CT scanning tomorrow to check for spread etc.  My symptoms started about a year ago where I had pretty scary post-nasal bleeding while sleeping which would not stop.  It was treated quickly and successfully, though an onset of chronic sinusitis seemed to follow.  No further symptoms really presented until small amounts of blood and discharge (especially upon waking) were spat up (the blood amount small and seemingly insignificant - just a little nosebleed).  It wasn't until my ears started to really block up (especially on the right side), plus eyes started to water without known cause - that I eventually went back to my GP.  We treated it again like a sinus infection and had a course of antibiotics, nasal spray, ear drops and later steroid course.  When this did not help the problem, the doctors became more concerned, so off for CT.  A paranasal tumour was located and a biopsy done quickly after which has confirmed the cancer.


I am interested to hear from any other sufferers of this rarer (though more common on south-east Asia) cancer type to compare notes on symptoms and possible triggers and to hopefully help anyone who may be experiencing any similar symptoms.  I live rurally and we were heavily bush-fire smoke effected, though that may be only coincidental.  I had prior hearing damage also (tinnitus) from an exploding tyre event back in 2017 which probably hindered my awareness of the hearing loss progression.  I think I may have had the initial bleeding episode due to an aspirin reaction (was taking a daily low-dose due to artery blockage).


Right now, symptoms seem to be regional to my head and neck, though I am starting to feel the fatigue kick in.


My sincere best wishes to all other fellow sufferers. Let's hope to continue as pain-free as possible.




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Frequent Contributor

Re: Nasopharyngeal cancer diagnosis

Hi there Timo,


I just recently read your post and was wondering how you were currently doing at the moment?

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Nasopharyngeal cancer diagnosis

Hello  iloveyoudearly7,







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