New diagnosis of cervical cancer

New Contributor

New diagnosis of cervical cancer

I got diagnosed yesterday after a hysteroscopy this week. Had been bleeding virtually non stop for about a year and a half and in severe chronic pain since January this year. Doctors fobbed me off a lot, even telling me that it was pointless to see a gyno. So here I am. Don't know what stage it is yet. 

Would appreciate talking to others in a similar situation  or who have survived this.

Super Contributor

Re: New diagnosis of cervical cancer


I'm sorry to hear that you've been unwell.

If your doctor is not listening to you, it's time to get a 2nd opinion.

Nobody gets it right all the time, especially if you feel that you are not being listened to.

Talk to another GP and see what they think and if they can refer you to someone who can investigate and verify if everything is OK.


I'm not familiar with you the procedure that you've had, but we only get one body.

I've said this to another of people now. Keep pushing for investigation until you are satisfied with the answer that you get.

Sorry that I can't be of more help.



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New Contributor

Re: New diagnosis of cervical cancer

Thanks, the GPS were a whole ago now. I went to a gyno recently and on Tues she did a hysteroscopy and the cervix is falling apart. Took biopsy and gave me cancer diagnosis yesterday. She is arranging for me to see a gynecological oncologist.

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