Not sure of treatment

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Not sure of treatment

I'm a 75 year old female, recently diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer.

I told oncologists yesterday I didn't want treatment. They gave me 2 weeks to make a final decision.

They will use Carboplatin, Paclitaxel for chemo  and Durvalumab immunotherapy.

This is all so overwhelming. Has anyone here had experience with these drugs?

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Re: Not sure of treatment

Hi Judith,

I was diagnosed with terminal stage 4 lung cancer last year. I, too, was overwhelmed. Weirdly, the cancer had metastasized from uterine cancer I had fifteen years ago. So I haven't been treated with the drugs you mention - rather as endometrial cancer not lung cancer. So I have an immunotherapy infusion of Pembolizumab every month and take 4 mg Lenvatinib orally. Eighteen months down the track I am doing well and able to go out and about fairly normally. Some cancer fatigue but that's all really. I have no knowledge of the chemotherapy drugs you mention but can say that immunotherapy is pretty amazing - well at least in my case. All the very best as you work through all this. I know the shock you must be feeling.


New Contributor

Re: Not sure of treatment

Hi Linda, thank for your reply. You didn't have chemo this time around? I'm dreading it. 

You are blessed to be feeling so good during treatment. 

I have to give a final answer on the 4th of December to the chemo and radiotherapy.

They also offered me target therapy if I refuse other treatments, which I understand will be more like palliative care.

I sometime think we have too much information now, it becomes overwhelming. x

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Not sure of treatment

Hi Judith,

Sorry to hear you are facing this decision. My situation is different, I have breast cancer and have a different immunotherapy drug, however I did complete 3 months of Paclitaxel and Carboplatin. I found I was nauseous for around 3-4 days after the infusion and had mild sensory changes in my feet. Not sure what regime has been recommended for you, and of course no one can make the decision for you, but I think there is a possibility that the side effects won’t be as severe as you imagine. 
whatever you decide, I wish you the very best. 

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New Contributor

Re: Not sure of treatment

Hi Amy,

Thanks for your reply. I have decided to go ahead with treatment, and am hoping it will start soon.

I will be having the same 2 drugs as you, and hopefully I will not have too many side effects.

. I will also be having immunotherapy after radiation and chemo.

Hope you are doing well. x

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Not sure of treatment

All the very best with it. I hope you find you get really effective results with few side effects. 
take care x

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