Sending good thoughts to you all.

New Contributor

Sending good thoughts to you all.

Hi everyone 

I’ve just been diagnosed with 4 more skin cancers, after malignant melanoma and several bcc’s. I’m 49. I just wanted to reach out and send love and happy vibes to you all. Let’s live positively with cancer- it sucks but we can do it together!


I’m so happy to chat if you’re feeling like you need to download. 

Super Contributor

Re: Sending good thoughts to you all.

Hi Mezza,

I'm sorry to hear about your skin cancers.

But hope you continue with such a positive attitude. How are you feeling?



New Contributor

Re: Sending good thoughts to you all.

Hi! I’m feeling ok. More worried about my family tbh, I don’t want them to stress. And you?

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