Spinal Cord Tumour

Occasional Contributor

Spinal Cord Tumour

Good Morning to all the Nightowls

I am Sybille in Cairns, Far North Queensland and love living here

So a month ago (21 August 2020) I was diagnosed with a spinal cord tumour, which is located right at the junction of the brain stem and the spinal cord. In conference with the surgeon and other doctors in Townsville  the risk of surgery was explained to me very clearly, thank you, I love straight talk! As the risks of performing a biopsy were only marginally less, I decided against  both surgery and biopsy, and came home to Cairns on 11 September.

On 28 September (coming Monday) I will be meeting up with my relatively new GP and a specialist palliative care nurse to come up with a care plan, and get a referral to the Cairns Hospital Palliative Care and Oncology Units.

So I am sitting here, having my first breakfast so that the first bath of meds stay down the hatch, and thinking that maybe it's actually possible to have chemo without having had a biopsy? I definitely have to put this on my lost of questions.

Anyway, that's were I am at at the moment. Good headspace, good friends, eating well, and just taking things one step at a time.

PS @ admin - I posted this an hour ago in the wrong forum - I think - sorry about that


Frequent Contributor

Re: Spinal Cord Tumour

Keep your faith stronger, you will get well soon. 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Spinal Cord Tumour

????? - sorry, no idea what your comment means

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