Talking to kids about cancer

Cancer Council NSW

Talking to kids about cancer

If you’re a parent or grandparent with cancer, you may feel hesitant about discussing your diagnosis with your children or grandchildren. You may be feeling overwhelmed by fear or anxiety and want to protect children from similar emotions. However, there are many reasons why a clear and honest discussion can help children and families through this time.


Cancer Council has a range of resources to help you have age-appropriate conversations with your children:

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Re: Talking to kids about cancer

Another great post. 

We put off telling our adults kids  until test results started coming back suggesting that I have a good chance of having cancer. 

We have 3 teenager granddaughters we arent telling until we know for sure and what treatment will be if I do. 

I personally see no benefit in saying I may have cancer to young children. 

I'm learning how little I did  know about cancer until I found a few lumps under my armpit . It's taken days of reaching just to understand what cancer really is. Many more days to learn about treatment.

I'm very thankful that I don't have to try to explain this to little kids 

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