Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Occasional Contributor

Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Waiting is definatley how it seems to be. If it's any consolation I had my first op on the 10th June, found out about c..... on the 1st July, got my referral for the specialist on the 7th July, went to see the specialist on the 28th July, next op to remove cancer on the 31st July, path results and true understanding of extent of cancer on the 7th August, next appoinment 21st August for radiotherapy and no idea when I will start treatment yet. Today I find out I have a high grade cancer (been told it was low till today), chemo is looking like an option now and definately going for external radiotherapy for 5-6 weeks. Started off simple!! I also wanted to find out what I was dealing with so I could plan my job, uni, kids, life the universe and everything. But there is no plan I don't think you have to put it on hold and it won't be sorted overnight. Realistic-ally speaking. I went for the centrelink option but I am a single mum I had to. I have no financial support I'm it. Not sure if that's an option for you. I am finding the days are easily filled. I come on here, I do some study, a bit a light housework, not much because I am still getting over the op. Organising my life to fit in apointments takes time and effort. A sleep in the arvo. Kids. Next thing it's bedtime. I think it is important to be pro active in your treatment and connecting with them. For them we are one of many for us we are the only one. Sublte reminders and follow ups just to let them know your there waiting patiently and worrying continuosly. I have come to terms with the fact that there are no easy answers, things are constanlty being revised, it's a waiting game and at the end of the day it is a personal and lonely journey. One which is shared by many. On your side and with you all the way Sue. Take gentle care. Juno
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Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Hi Sue, I think sometimes all we need to know is there's nothing to know right now, I understand you on that one. I imagine you're still a little frustrated but least you have a line if communication open and you can see a little of the road ahead, even if it means doing a bit of a u turn and going for another biopsy. It must be a day fo headaches, I've had a doozy of one all day but I know it's just stress. I think going back to work P/T is a great idea, the last thing you need right now is to be stressing over money and, like you say, it'll give you a bit of you're 'real' world back. As long as you promise to listen to your body and rest when you need to! (Lecture over). I keep going to ring the CC helpline but I'm just so emotional at the moment! any time I try and talk to anyone I'm too weepy to mak any sense! I'm sure it'll pass after Monday. Keep in touch and let us know how Your meeting goes. Hugs in the ether Eva
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Good to see such support here, I wish for you all a great outcome, waiting is the hardest part...
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Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Thanks rbx4, I think I'd have gone nuts without Juno and Sueblue. Feel free to friend :0)
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Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Less than 24 hours before I get my results and I feel very positive. I think I'm beginning to get my head around this. I got an infection and to be on the safe side my GP sent me for an X-ray and scan on Thursday. My ultrasound results came back on Friday and yay! Look, there's another mass! This ones in the pelvic tissue. Please God, can we make this one just a cyst or something please? I'm after a thumbs up tomorrow for Cervical Cancer. Looking up and forward!
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Wishing you all the best for tomorrow Eva :) Sue
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Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Thanks Sue, It's so good to know I have everyone rooting for me! Fingers crossed. Ps. Lovely pic :0)
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Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

They just phoned and moved my appointment until tomorrow afternoon. I know they had a really good reason and i know there's nothing I can do, and I know it's only another 36 hours but oh! It's so hard waiting, even another day. :0(
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

So sorry to hear that you have to wait even longer for your results Eva - I know how difficult the waiting is :( I had a call this morning from the clinical nurse technician at the hospital - he said he was discussing my situation with the doctor this morning and said I should hear back from the hospital later today, or tomorrow morning with an appointment date. Of course, then there'll be even more waiting (for the appointment) but at least I will have a date. I hope the next 36 hours passes quickly for your Eva, thinking of you, Sue
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Re: Waiting for diagnosis after surgery

Hi Sue, Seems like it's some sort of perverse way they come up with of making it worse doesn't it? Yeah, we know you're panicking about your results, we just thought we'd extend your misery a little longer. I know you've been waiting an awfully long time for this appointment. I feel a bit silly getting upset over one day but oh god, this has being going on in some shape or form for six months. I will learn this life lesson, patience.
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