Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

Occasional Contributor

Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

Hi all. This is my first post.


I was diagnosed in early May with soft palate cancer. All was ready to go for 7 weeks radiation and all that was needed was a PET scan to confirm that there was no spread. It was supposed to be just a formality.


Well when the scan results came back, it showed a 'hot mass' in my esophagus which surprised all in the MDT and of course me.


Now I'm back at square one, with an appointment to see an upper GI specialist this Wednesday.


I feel so lost, frightened and isolated. I live with my husband who's pretty much in avoidance right now. The rest of my family live in different states/territories.


Now that I'm between specialists, I'm at a loss to know who I can contact to get more information as I was rendered pretty much speechless when I got the news.


Is anybody in the same boat as me? The treatment for the soft palate cancer has been deferred until it can be confirmed whether or not I have this second cancer and if I do, that will have to be dealt with first and then I'll have to deal with the soft palate cancer.


I've pretty much given up hope.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

Hi Angel _B welcome 😊 I'm still recovering from a thyroid cancer operation & remember feeling lost, frightened & isolated when i was first diagnosed. I just wanted to reach out to you Angel and let you know your not alone. 


I know hope can be easily lost in such a time of despair. Only last Saturday i just sat on the couch and cried for most of the day. Sending you extra hope & strength. 


Wishing you all the very best Angel.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

I started with breast cancer. I had a thyroid cancer scare (btw needles to the throat is terrifying) and now I have brain tumors. I can totally understand the anxiety and dark feelings associated with so much and having many drs (I get the impression that none of my drs want to take charge of my case cuz no one calls and I escaped the hospital after surgery because I didnt have a dr in charge of me). I dont know what my medical plan is anymore. I take it literally a day at a time. I had surgery, what now? Take my meds, live another day, show up to another appointment. I'm still coping and honestly I think that's what you're doing to the best of your abilities. You are right, this is scary and makes you feel alone. It's terrible and I sympathize. I'm sorry that I am not upbeat and optimistic but really, it's a hard time, let's just admit it.
Occasional Contributor

Re: Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

Thanks for your kind words Bowie.


The feeling of isolation appears to be a common theme. However being part of this community makes me feel less lost.


I hope you're on the road to recovery.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

Thanks for your post Seilien and am sorry to hear about your current predicament.

Even though the doctors I've seen have been wonderful, like you once I've been passed on to the next I then have no-one to contact and it's terrifying not knowing.

I try to not let this overtake my life but it's hard not to - wake up with it, go to bed with it, and every time in between.

Do you have a support system that can help?
Occasional Contributor

Re: Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

I have a really good support system.  Covid makes it hard though. Lately, the anxiety is eating me, I feel no one understands me and I just vent at my husband. Logically, I'm grateful to everyone but there's this side of me that is negative, isolated and just trying to get through the day. I got more treatment today so I'm feeling good that another thing is done but again, taking it a day at a time. Im tired and overwhelmed. 

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

I'm sorry you're feeling that way Seilien but I can totally relate.


There's a quote from my favourite TV show 'Six Feet Under' - 'There's just 2 people in the world, there's you and there's everybody else'. That's what this diagnosis feels like, no matter how compassionate and supportive friends, loved ones and the medical professionals are.


I'm booked in for a gastroscopy tomorrow to see what this thing is in my esophagus and am terrified.

Occasional Contributor

Re: Well it looks like I have 2 separate cancers

Hey sorry to hear what your going through, 

I have been diagnosed with HPV on the Linguinal Tonsil I have had PET scan today and second CT scan. I have a Biopsy booked for next week at RPH so really not sure where I am at....I am eager to await the PET scan results. It is scary the waiting and not knowing ...I hope you feel better soon and my thoughts are with you.

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