Fear of ct scan coming up

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Fear of ct scan coming up

Hi all

This year I have had two cancers. First endometrial cancer that the only sign I had was I started to bleed on New Years Day (happy New Year) then I had hysterectomy booked and was sent for routine CT scan and they found a spot in the lung. 

They told me the endometrial cancer was curable with the surgery but after tests for the lung that came back cancer they weren't sure which to do first. 

Fast forward and I had keyhole hysterectomy and then upper left lobe of my lung removed. I then had 4 rounds of chemotherapy because they said there was some involvement of the lymph nodes near the lung.  

I now have to have another CT scan 3 months post chemotherapy and  am very anxious as when they found the left lung cancer there was also a small nodule on the right lung that didn't light up on pet scan but I am worried it might be cancer now also.      I have not been too bad since finishing the chemo but it was not nice going through it. Don't want anymore 😥

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