Hello All
I am a Bowel Cancer survivor so to speak, as I have only been off the juice(chemo) for nearly six months(6 months of Zoloda and 3months of Folfox). I have had a Bowel resection and a liver resection and have been given the all clear so far.
I am obviously looking like a patchwork quilt, I have hand and feet problems, joint pain and there was no slow trip to meno for me. I was an active 45 year old when my journey began, now I am a creaky 47 year old wanna be. I am participating in my sports but not the way I would like to!
I have some amazing family and friends that I love dearly. I am a mum of 2, my son is 13 and my daughter is 11.
It is plain to see from the blogs that Cancer messes with your head as well as your body! When I was on the juice I couldn't wait for day 10 when I had enough concentration to drive the car 2 blocks away to get the milk and bread. Lucky the locals didn't mind my slippers as I couldn't wear anything else.
I struggle with stress and the need to get things done "my way" so I am told. Hubby and Kids say that I have spent the last few weeks barking orders at then. I am always tired and then I can't sleep! No wonder I am a little short with them!
I have a great medical team that I am very greatful of but how do we ever get rid of the question of will it be back and how will I know?
Thanks for you time.