It looks like my cancer has made friends - how to move forward

Occasional Contributor

It looks like my cancer has made friends - how to move forward


It appears surgery removed the original tumour (sarcoma) but I was warned - right from the word go (i.e. from initial consultation with the sarcoma team) - that the tumour may make friends.  This looks like it has happened and the CT I had during my first 'surveillance visit' last week - 4 months after surgery - identified a nodule in one of my lungs that wasn't there previously and is most likely metastatic. I'm now waiting the results of a PET scan before further treatment options are considered.  One of the options is referral to a Cardio Thoracic surgeon to consider if resection is achievable.

The nodule was a bit of a surprise as I hadn't had any symptoms like shortness of breath and I had treated my sarcoma as a nuisance that had to go. 

Had a little wobble but no tears - they were in January 2023 when I was diagnosed.

Anyway, the upshot is that I'm feeling a little naive and am having to consider 'what if' situations that I hadn't prepared for. I've also been thinking about how isolated and alone I felt during my radiation treatment, surgery and recovery - even though I had support from friends and family. 

I'm guessing that other people in this forum have been in this situation and am wondering how they coped and what 'strategies' they put in to place to help them please.

New Contributor

Re: It looks like my cancer has made friends - how to move forward

One always need to be aware as the cyst can develop anytime. Precaution is better than cure.

Occasional Contributor

Re: It looks like my cancer has made friends - how to move forward

Hello drpchiripal.  Thank you for your reply.  What are your suggestions re 'precaution is better than cure' please?

Occasional Contributor

Re: It looks like my cancer has made friends - how to move forward

Hello there Michele,

I have no answers for you as have only recently been diagnosed myself so not at your stage, but just want to say that I am sorry your cancer has made friends. What can we do in these situations but take whatever medication and treatment they can give us and seek emotional support along the way. I hope some people will have more specific answers for you and be able to help you to move forward, Wishing you the best. x

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