Possible relapse

Occasional Contributor

Possible relapse

I have been in remission for six years and it looks like I may have relapsed. Originally diagnosed with hodgkin's. I have a daughter who is turning ten she was three and a half when I was first diagnosed
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Possible relapse

Well the cancer has back so back on the treatment merry go round
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Re: Possible relapse

Hi Bindy Sorry to hear that. It's different second time round. I found that I didn't want to tell many people. Kept it to myself much more. It was four years for me and I guess I had got used to the idea that things were going to be OK and then - there it was again. Hope all the treatment works for you. It's a right chore having to go through it again.Regards Sailor He who lets the sea lull him into a sense of security is in very grave danger. Hammond Ines

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Possible relapse

Thanks, also this time my daughter is older she was 3 and a half last time and now she is ten. Will try to keep strong through treatment
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Possible relapse

Hi Bindi, It is great that it will be your own stem cells as it is a quicker recovery process. If you follow the same treatment regime as me you will have 6 months of chemo, which I could still function o.k with. I continued to work part time. Towards the end you get more tired but generally manageable. Then they harvest the stem cells, then transplant them. The time to put the stem cells back takes 30 minutes. I could not believe the process, it really is incredible! I had my transplant at Peter Mac, the staff were fantastic!
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