What to expect during Chemo

New Member

What to expect during Chemo

Hi all,

I am 32 and was diagnosed with testicular cancer, and have had surgery to remove it.
I've booked in some time go through a single dose of chemotherapy (even though the oncologist has given me the all clear already) since they say the chances of it coming back drops from 15% to 2-3%.

I'll be honest, I'm a little scared, in part due to the internet and warnings regarding infections and sepsis.

I don't know what I'm looking for in particular with this post, but some advice or things to expect during this time would be appreciated. I'm freaking out that one day I'll wake up with a fever and it being too late.


Super Contributor

Re: What to expect during Chemo


I'm sorry to hear about your cancer. I hope your treatment is going well and that your outlook is good.

It's normal to be scared. I think we all are of the unknown.

The side effects of chemo and the risks will vary from between chemotherapy treatments and also between person to person. There are lots of variables here.

If you have an elevated temperature or you are feeling unwell, check your temperature with a thermometer. If it is high, go to hospital and get checked out.


When I was receiving treatment I received 12 rounds of chemo. After round 11 I was feeling a bit hot, but otherwise I felt quite well.  I checked my temperature and it was a little high.  I called the centre who had been treating me and they advised me to go to the local ED as it was Friday night.

They treated me with an invtravenous injection of antibiotics and I was released home the next day.


Don't ignore and be vigilant of your symptoms and you will be just fine.


Best of luck.


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