Legal, Financial and Workplace

Help for people affected by cancer experiencing legal & financial strain.

Dealing with cancer can present significant financial challenges that can add unnecessary strain to an already stressful situation.   Some states and territories in Australia have financial counselling available, to provide practical advice to assist people with managing their finances. Often this is done by working with community organisations that assist people in financial difficulty, especially those on lower incomes.   Our financial counsellors act as an advocate for those facing financial risks, and act as a negotiator by providing a free service to their clients.   This may be by helping you: Manage your debts Helping you set a budget Assisting by liaising with your creditors Applying for changes to mortgage payments if working is not an option Providing you with information about your rights as a consumer. This may be conducted over the phone or face to face. Note: At this time, financial counselling is only available in some states and territories. Please call 13 11 20 for further information.
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by Valued Contributor September 2020
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We understand the financial burdens that cancer may bring. If you or someone in your family is affected by cancer and you need advice, we can help.   Available Australia-wide, our Pro Bono Program, can connect you with professionals such as accountants, lawyers and financial planners. These professionals volunteer their time to assist people experiencing hardship.   How much does it cost? We understand that you may be experiencing a loss of income, as well as other out of pocket costs. The Pro Bono Program is free for people who cannot afford to pay for it. You will need to pass a means test in order to qualify for free assistance.   If you don't qualify for our free services, we can put you in touch with professionals who can assist you on a paid basis   What does the Pro Bono Program cover? Cancer Council's Pro Bono Program covers the following services: Legal referral service Financial planning referral service Workplace referral service Small business referral service Click the above links to find out a little more about each of these services.   How do I access these services? Call Cancer Council's Information and Support line on 13 11 20, between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.   A translation service is available by calling 13 14 50.
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by Valued Contributor September 2020
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Like our Legal referral service, through our financial planning referral service, Cancer Council can connect people affected by cancer with professionals who can offer real help.   Qualified financial planners from the financial planning referral service, may be able to assist with the following: Applying for Centrelink benefits Navigating Centrelink payments Budgeting Managing debt Estate planning Planning for retirement Restructuring income and assets Accessing superannuation and insurance Note, the above may vary between states and territories.   To find out more about our Pro Bono Program, please call 13 11 20 between 9am-5pm, weekdays.   Resources The following booklets and fact sheets are produced by Cancer Council, containing easy-to-read information to help you: Cancer and your finances (PDF) Dealing with debts (PDF) Super and cancer (PDF) What happens to debts after death (PDF)
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by Valued Contributor September 2020
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A diagnosis of cancer can place people into emotional and financial stress, especially with the prospect of facing medical bills and additional travel costs.
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by Valued Contributor September 2020
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  • Financial