3yrs on

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3yrs on

Well done on getting a job, sometimes it is so hard to find one that we like. I was fortunate when I was working that I only worked for one company from when I left school to retirement. I had left a few times from there over the 40 odd years, but kept going back. My husband and I are heavily involved with volunteering with our local junior rugby league district club - Panthers. Have been volunteering for the last 24 years. Yesterday we spent 12 hours at our office!!!!!!. Over the next few days it will be busy as our season has just finished. We also get invited to a lot of night functions, tonight, Thursday and Saturday nights as well.
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Re: 3yrs on

Stage 1 pc patient here,told I am cured,we will see.Had a very successful whipple in january all cancer removed and no nasties anywhere else. Iam scared, guilty but mainly confused. My wife has been my rock but still does not understand my reluctance to grab my surgeons very positive outlook on my future.I have read to much sometimes wish I had not. As has been said stats are terrible and its only 3 months since my op,long way till 5 years.
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Re: 3yrs on

Hi Margro Thanks for letting us know how you feel and thanks to all the others who have replied. Yes, I had a diagnosis of an aggressive cancer, and after the initial treatment I felt - wow! One year, two years, three years, all OK, then wham, back it came with a vengeance. More very experimental treatment, feeling good again for a few years, then back again - now with monotonous regularity - well it never actually goes away, just starts up again. Statistically I shouldn't be around, but I am, Just goes to show that statistics don't apply to the individual. I long ago got sick of everyone telling me I'll be fine - or s a friend of mine tells it 'living in the prison of the positive'. We really do get rewarded for being positive, so much so that we tend to put a positive spin on things - like Pavlov's dogs we become well trained. So I am all for being real - acknowledging that what we have may not continue so let's make the most of what we have. Fiar winds and smooth seas to you all. Sailor
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Re: 3yrs on

Kezza,hi. well done on your outcome!!Your fear is totally understandable,but don't let it take over.Your dr(who managed to perform a successful whipples)would not be foolish enough to say you are cured if it wasn't true.Like anyone who has had cancer,you will always have that worry it might come back.Way I look at it 9 days out of 10,if it comes back I will deal with it then,if it comes back and kills me next time,haven't I been the idiot wasting all this time worrying and not enjoying life!!! I'm not a dr and I have no medical training,but when a friend of mine had trouble after his cancer surgery and the dr put him on a short course of anti depressents.Maybe if you talk to your dr he/she may have some suggestions.What you are feeling is normal,but there are people out there that can help get those feeling in perspective. Take care,keep up the good work,Margro
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