Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)


Re: Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)

Do you have a sharable facebook post somewhere, with 2021 dates and the fact your meeting by zoom atm? I was asked to share this image but it does not reflect current intofrmation. Zoom might appeal to young people who don't work in the city and the 2019 date needs updating. K ( Sutherland Shire Breast Cancer Support Group)
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Re: Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)

Life After Cancer Flyer b.jpg


is it ok if I update it like this?

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Super Contributor

Re: Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)

Hi @Kristenm 

Sure, that looks great.

Let me reach out to the organisers, as I know they were starting to do something with facebook too. Let me see if I can get a facebook site for you and I'll add that here too.

But what you have added to the top there looks great.

Thank you for that!!



Super Contributor

Re: Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)

Hi Kristenm,

Just to confirm something that is already mentioned in the flyer you have there. This is a support group for people who are no longer receiving treatment for cancer. If the potential members are still receiving treatment, then this isn't an appropriate support group for them. 

Sorry for any inconvience.



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Re: Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)

Yes i saw that information on the poster and you reitereated it in messgaes to others on this page. I have a local BC email contact list of over a 100 and i will send it out next time i do a group email. But very few would meet the criterias of that group,especially with the meetings being in the city. This area has lost the 'all cancers/all ages' group from Miranda and the all cancers/all ages group in Kogarah., so any advertising is good for any support group .It takes time to raise awareness. Good old fashioned Posters in cancer treatment centres is a good way to spread the word.And ofd course making sure you on the CC list that they keep of support groups for when people call them, since the don't listthem online anymore. best wishes.
Super Contributor

Re: Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)

@KristenmI have the link to the private facebook group for you.

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Re: Life after cancer support group for young people (Sydney)

Thanks. I will add to ssbcsg FB post i did the other day and keep in mind for any young un's in our group or newbies .My group emails also go to our 3 breast care nurses, so it will inform them which may also help word spread out to their cancer care centres at St george and sutherland.
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