My memoir is now published

Super Contributor

Re: My memoir is now published

H Reading your memoir and have cried for you, me and every other cancer patient. Am absolutely promoting itbon fb!@
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Frequent Contributor

Re: My memoir is now published

Thanks everyone for the great comments. And, of course, feel free to promote it!!!! (Myeloma Australia gets 40% of revenue.) Harker.
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Regular Contributor

Re: My memoir is now published

I just finished reading this wonderful book. Two days it took - says it all. Thank you Harker for so eloquently telling the world how it was/is for you and while each of our experiences is different, the similarities are there for each of us. My experience has not been nearly as fraught as yours but for all of us the common threads are there. The line "I sensed for the first time that I am changed" resonated completely with me. For me it was the day I had my picc line put in and then asked directions to the oncology unit. I had no-one with me, and as I walked towards the sign I realised that I was no longer someone who had only had major surgery - I was now a cancer patient. Nothing is ever quite the same again, is it? Once again, thank you.
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Regular Contributor

Re: My memoir is now published

I just finished reading this wonderful book. Two days it took - says it all. Thank you Harker for so eloquently telling the world how it was/is for you and while each of our experiences is different, the similarities are there for each of us. My experience has not been nearly as fraught as yours but for all of us the common threads are there. The line "I sensed for the first time that I am changed" resonated completely with me. For me it was the day I had my picc line put in and then asked directions to the oncology unit. I had no-one with me, and as I walked towards the sign I realised that I was no longer someone who had only had major surgery - I was now a cancer patient. Nothing is ever quite the same again, is it? Once again, thank you.
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