Bummer couple of years.

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Bummer couple of years.

Hi folks. Well I'm taking the plunge coz my lounge room seems to be getting smaller and smaller. I was diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer in January 2015. Bowel resection at end of January. Chemo. Liver resection in May. More chemo till November. First scan was all clear. Second scan was all clear. Woohoo! Alas, in January 2016 my partner of 3 years was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. She's been on chemo since. Boo! I'd/We'd put a big X through 2015. Not something I would care to repeat. Not a year I want to remember (but will never forget)That was easy compared to now. Now seeing what my partner is going through. No operations for her just chemo. Fingers crossed we can share many more bike rides together. Enough for now, I'm off to bed.
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Re: Bummer couple of years.

Urgh! What a terrible situation. I'm so glad you posted here so we can be with you through this (virtually, anyway.) Sending hugs to you and your partner, Emily
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