Cancer and COVID-19 Podcasts

Cancer Council NSW

Cancer and COVID-19 Podcasts

COVID-19 has brought some extra challenges for people with cancer. Should I delay tests and treatment? How does telehealth work? How can I get support? To help address these and other common concerns, the Cancer Information Unit has teamed up with 13 11 20 to produce a new podcast series, Cancer and COVID-19

Three episodes are now available to listen to at any time:

  • Coping with Isolation and Cancer during COVID-19 – discusses how people can feel less isolated and stay connected while social distancing.
  • Telehealth for Cancer – explains what telehealth is, how it’s being used for cancer care, and how people can get the most benefit from their telehealth appointments.
  • Cancer Treatment during COVID-19 – discusses why some cancer treatment has been delayed because of COVID-19 and the precautions that health professionals are taking to keep people safe.

You can listen to these short podcasts now on our website. They are also available to stream or download onto your smartphone or tablet through your favourite podcasting app.

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