Chemo radiotherapy does it cure


Chemo radiotherapy does it cure

Update it did not spread and having regular skin checks and efudix to get rid of AKs


I am in my 50s and thinking of what happens if cancer has spread into my body.


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Re: Chemo radiotherapy does it cure

Hi @Antan 

I'm very sorry to hear about the cancer.

When I was diagnosed with bowel cancer I was told I would need surgery to remove the tumour.

After surgery they found the tumour was pushing/nudging up against a lymph node. They were unsure whether or not the tumour got to the lymph node or not.

I was given the option of monitoring only or chemotherapy.

Because I was 40 when diagnosed with cancer, I chose chemotherapy to hopefully kill any cancer cells that may or may not be in the body.


5 years post  surgery + chemotherapy, I am still cancer free.

I do have some neuropathy in my hands and feet, but that reduced over time.

I'm happy with the side effects and have no regrets about any of the choices.




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