Head wraps/scarfs?

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Re: Head wraps/scarfs?

Jenniewren I found going natural was easiest and the most comfortable for me. I would think though that if someone wasn't comfortable being that way that perhaps a scarf or one of the small caps that you can get might be good for yoga activities? Julie
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Re: Head wraps/scarfs?

Hi JennieWren, I have PC too and believe it or not from the photo used to have hair. Yes it is easier for a bloke so my sympathies to you. As for yoga I used to do it but during chemo – last 12 months have found anything beyond basic stretching too hard. I have however continued with my form of meditation which I have found helps. Walking is my number one exercise and when I can I go to a gym and ride a bike. Where are you up to in treatment? I am a 64 year old male who over the 12 months since diagnosis has responded well to chemo for pancreatic cancer (metastatic adenocarcinoma mainly of the tail of the pancreas), but so far surgeons won’t operate because there has been evidence of metastases into omentum and peritoneum. I’ve been off chemo since November 15 2013 and so far my ca19.9 has stayed stable. One surgeon has said if it stays stable for 6 months he would operate with whipple and removal of omentum. I am hoping for this but realistically it may not stay stable in next month or so and I will be back on chemo. By the way if you didn’t know Jennie Wren is the name of a beautiful song by Paul Mccartney. My brother and I sang what we hope is an uplifting song too – see https://give.everydayhero.com/au/same-red-wine The song is copyright free so feel free to download and share. ian
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Re: Head wraps/scarfs?

Hi Ian thanks for your post. All the best for getting that operation. I'm two months in to chemo following diagnosis,so still getting the hang of things. What sort of yoga did you do? I do Shadow yoga, a form of Hatha, and find most of it gentle, though some of the squats take a big of leg work.I agree walking is wonderful, and meditation. I didn't know about the song - I'll have a listen. Keep in touch. Jennie
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Re: Head wraps/scarfs?

Hi Julie, thanks for your suggestions - must admit that I'm not quite ready to go without something, but have tried scarves and find they are nice and soft and keep out of the way. Thanks
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Re: Head wraps/scarfs?

Hi, my cancer counsellor told me about healingcolours.com.au they are located in Byron Bay area and have colourful scarfs and wraps and I'm pretty sure nothing was over $25
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