Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Occasional Contributor

Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Has anybody heard of this clinic or had any experience with it? It's a private cancer centre in Clarmont, Western Australia. I don't think I can post the website here, so google it to find it. Caitlin
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi All, Those following this discussion may find this information of interest: 'The Review Committee on Microwave Cancer Therapy undertook a comprehensive assessment of the methods used by Dr Holt, including examination of Dr Holt's past and present patient records. The committee also examined all published scientific evidence on microwave cancer therapy. The review committee found no scientific evidence to support the use of microwaves in treating cancer, either alone or when combined with other therapies.' Kind regards, Felix Cancer Connections Coordinator
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Peer reviews are not reliable in discounting new techniques, especially in the field of medical research. History has many examples of new findings being discredited by establishment. Google "Helicobacter pylori" and "Barry Marshall" and "Robin Warren" and "Nobel Prize" for a recent example relevant to Western Australians (or see Dr Holt seems to have endorsement from patients but not from peers. ACA segment about this is at It would be good to hear from recipients of this treatment on this forum.
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

I had a mastectomy last week for DCIS. This was picked up at screening mammogram which I had because my eldest sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. I lost another of my sisters to breast cancer 7 years ago. I need to let people know that although I chose to have I guess radical surgery to reduce my chances of ending up like my sisters; my sister decided after lumpectomy and sentinal node BX to try the radiowave clinic. She is in her last week of treatment in Perth now but the cancer has recurred already; same size and site and biopsy proven triple negative invasive breast cancer. The radiowave clinic made her sign a nondisclosure agreement before treatment. I tried very hard for her to try regular medical treatments and for a while there she wouldnt talk to me. Unfortunately I didnt find the NHMRC report til after she had started treatment. They've taken $30,000 off her ;doesnt their blurb say non for profit? I feel so angry and so useless. My sister told me she was scared to have regular treatments after watching my other sister go through chemo and radiation. I'm so worried she has missed her chance to control this disease!
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

I had a mastectomy last week for DCIS. This was picked up at screening mammogram which I had because my eldest sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. I lost another of my sisters to breast cancer 7 years ago. I need to let people know that although I chose to have I guess radical surgery to reduce my chances of ending up like my sisters; my sister decided after lumpectomy and sentinal node BX to try the radiowave clinic. She is in her last week of treatment in Perth now but the cancer has recurred already; same size and site and biopsy proven triple negative invasive breast cancer. The radiowave clinic made her sign a nondisclosure agreement before treatment. I tried very hard for her to try regular medical treatments and for a while there she wouldnt talk to me. Unfortunately I didnt find the NHMRC report til after she had started treatment. They've taken $30,000 off her ;doesnt their blurb say non for profit? I feel so angry and so useless. My sister told me she was scared to have regular treatments after watching my other sister go through chemo and radiation. I'm so worried she has missed her chance to control this disease!
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

I would be very concerned about any procedure requiring a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) to be signed. I could not find a reference to the requirement to sign an NDA on the website - what are they trying to hide? In my view medical procedures (especially one so embedded with skepticism) should be transparent, NDA's should be illegal in this arena and warrant reporting to responsible authorities. Perhaps this is the reason we are yet to get feedback from recipients of the Dr Holt Radiowave Therapy clinic in Perth. The $30,000 seems at odds with the fees posted on the website - and the claim to be a non-profit facility - some questions need to be asked!
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Just wanted to update the latest on my sister who attended the the Radiowave clinic with early triple negative breast cancer. After 5 months since diagnosis, not only has the cancer recurred at the same site in her breast, her results today show it is metastatic and she has multiple lesions on the lungs. If my sister had used conventional medical treatment she may have been cured or at least had years. Instead because she effectively had no treatment at all by attending the radiowave clinic she may not even last the year.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi there.

I’ve have had the Radiowave Therapy in 2013 & 2014. In 2005 I had breast cancer and was successfully treated with chemo and radiation. In 2012 I got tongue and neck cancer (non smoker) it was stage three and I was treated with chemo and radiation. Early 2013 it returned on the opposite side of my neck and it was also stage three. My oncologist said that the chemo and radiation hadn’t worked for me. There was nothing more that they could do for me other than surgery, which I had. I couldn’t have anything else. I found out about the clinic and looked into it throughly. These people were wonderful and completely up front. They said that works for one doesn’t always work for another, just as chemo and radiation didn’t work for me. This treatment has given me 4 years of life with many years I’m sure to come. I am still disease free. I was horrified to hear that the clinic had closed. Of course the people that the clinic were unable to help would’ve had doubts about this treatment but the many many people that they have helped certainly would feel the same way as me. It’s such a shame to see this treatment unavailable. Just as chemo and radiation doesn’t help everyone, either does Radiowave Therapy but isn’t it worth it to try?!

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New Member

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi by chance do you know if they have moved? Or been shut down.?  Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi there.

Yes sadly, they have permanently closed and as I understand are doing more research. I really hope that they will open their doors again soon and continue this treatment.
Kind regards.

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