Radiowave Therapy Clinic

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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

You and the committee have your facts wrong. Dr Holt has never received a fair and objective study. However, there are dozens of his patients that state they are free of cancer for many years. Their interviews are online.

The Australians are just as greedy as the American Medical Mafia, Dr Holt's charge for 3 weeks of treatment: $2700. A single chemotherapy treatment $4000. Chemotherapy is the most profitable department of every hospital that offers chemotherapy.

Most of Dr Holt's patients come to him as a last resort. He has meso patients clear of cancer for 30 years.

Do your due diligence. Get the facts. Good luck
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Your links are labeled as dangerous
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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

I well remember this issue. it was broadcast on all the TV networks. I phoned the clinic at the time for a friend. The receptionist was in the RAAFR like I was. She verified the fact the treatment worked. After the TV aired the story, the following day a helicopter flew over the site & captured thousands of peopled lined up 4 blocks away trying to get into the clinic. Many many people of all ages who had treatment claimed their cancer was cured. But As Health Minister, Tony Abbott closed the story down. Beholden to the big pharmaceutical drug companies, Abbott sacrificed the lives of countless millions. Evil knows no bounds!

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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Unfortunately, sometimes the immune system is so weak from previous treatment or the cancer that no amount of treatment will work. Got to get it in the early stages

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

I well remember this issue. it was broadcast on all the TV networks. I phoned the clinic at the time for a friend. The receptionist was in the RAAFR like I was. She verified the fact the treatment worked. After the TV aired the story, the following day a helicopter flew over the site & captured thousands of peopled lined up 4 blocks away trying to get into the clinic. Many many people of all ages who had treatment claimed their cancer was cured. But As Health Minister, Tony Abbott closed the story down. Beholden to the big pharmaceutical drug companies, Abbott sacrificed the lives of countless millions. Evil knows no bounds!!

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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

I well remember this issue. it was broadcast on all the TV networks. I phoned the clinic at the time for a friend. The receptionist was in the RAAFR like I was. She verified the fact the treatment worked. After the TV aired the story, the following day a helicopter flew over the site & captured thousands of peopled lined up 4 blocks away trying to get into the clinic. Many many people of all ages who had treatment claimed their cancer was cured. But As Health Minister, Tony Abbott closed the story down. Beholden to the big pharmaceutical drug companies, Abbott sacrificed the lives of countless millions. Evil knows no bounds!!!

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Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Pls let us know what you find out.

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi there.

 I went over to Perth in 2013 and 2014 to have the Radiowave therapy. I had SCC on my tongue and in my neck. I did have the usual conventional treatment first.  I had very invasive surgery twice and very aggressive Radio therapy and chemo and it still came back in my neck, on the other side,  less than 6 months later. There was nothing else that the doctors could do for me other than surgery so, that’s what I did. Both times they went in and took 45 nodes from my neck, both sides, both times the result was,  5 positive nodes to stage 3. My decision to go to Perth was an easy one for me. If I hadn’t gone and had this amazing treatment, I can almost guarantee that I wouldn’t be here today considering how aggressive and advanced the cancer was. Conventional medicine didn’t work for me and I didn’t bag it to anyone. It infuriates me when I see, that people can run this treatment down because it didn’t work for them or a loved one. I found the staff and doctors over there,  never gave me a guarantee that this treatment would work. They were always up front. My uncle had bowel cancer the year before I went over. He sent over all of medical history for his cancer and they told him that they couldn’t help him. They were honest! Unfortunately the clinic closed its doors In 2015. So many people have missed out on this amazing treatment. The government should be ashamed of itself. I could sing the praises of the staff, the treatment, the facility, and the honesty of this place from the roof tops. They really had such success and now this gem is gone. 

Occasional Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi there, 


Kaylene, may I ask what the name of the clinic was? I'm gutted it's been closed down. 


My father mentioned Dr Holt when I was first diagnosed with cancer twenty years ago. Mine wasn't advanced so there wasn't a need for me to research the clinic but I've committed it to memory ever since.


I'm making enquiries for a dear friend who has multiple myeloma and it is aggressive. I am sincerely hoping I can find some leads for her. Does anyone know another clinic that provides similar treatment? She is based in Sydney and has unfortunately had every reaction possible to her chemo.


I'm hoping there is someone who can help her before she becomes too unwell to travel. 


Any pointers are much appreciated as I'm struggling to find useful information. 



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Occasional Contributor

Re: Radiowave Therapy Clinic

Hi there. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. 
The name of the clinic was just,  The Radiowave Clinic.

 It was situated in Claremont in Western Australia. 
unfortunately it closed down in 2015. 
Im pretty sure, that if you Google radiowave clinics from my understanding, there’s one in Germany…over that way, that does the treatment but, they do not have Dr Holts formula. This clinic has given me an extra 11 years, with many more to come I’m sure.  I would love to be able to contact Ray Martin, he was the person that interviewed Dr Holt years ago. He truly believed in this treatment. Maybe he could do something to get the medical association to take another look at this life saving treatment?? For those who read this, remember that chemo and radiation isn’t the be and end all. It didn’t work for me that time. I’m here because of radiowave therapy, no doubt. We all need options, not everything works for everyone. Dr Holt did want this treatment included with  conventional medicine, from what I believe. 
Best of luck to your friend. 

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