Hi again,
I want to share a particular incident that happened to me a few nights ago and how the Red Card came to my rescue once again.
I woke up at about 2:30am and realised that I was having a night sweat. For most people that doesn't sound like a big deal but for me it was a huge deal as it is one of the symptoms of Lymphoma.
I never used to get them and the only time I had one was before I was diagnosed and since then they never recurred.
It was the middle of the night and when I started to wake up I recognised what was going on and boy did I get a fright!! My mind started churning thought attacks by the dozen! It was going on something like, "Shit, this is not good, the cancer might be coming back!" and "Imagine going through another round of chemo!", "I might be totally screwed now!"
I started becoming fearful and anxious and caught myself having a serious thought attack.
I knew that these thoughts would keep me up all night and cause a lot of angst if I was to continue to think in this way.
I also knew that they were just thoughts not absolute truths and that I was choosing this interpretation.
I stopped myself, took a deep breath and took out the Red Card which I keep handy.
I used the card.
I realised how harmful these thoughts were, that I can choose different thoughts and that I needed to find another interpretation.
I thought, "Ok, it's a hot night, I"m wearing a thick tracksuit no wonder I'm hot!!!"
I also remembered that I put on an extra doona cover at the start of winter!
I continued on my new interpretation and thought "All my tests have been normal, I'm feeling great so I would know if I was ill again." I re-inforced to myself that I was ok and to be 100% sure I would go for another blood test the next day.
I went back to sleep and felt calmer and more at ease.
I woke up the next morning feeling much better and thought how strange it is that our feelings are somehow magnified in the middle of the night as opposed to during the day.
I felt more in control, called the doc and went for the blood tests which came back normal.
This was such a great reminder for me of how easy it is for my thoughts to lose control and how important it is to keep perspective by finding another way to interpret my challenging situations.
Thanks for reading the post and hey I was wondering if you've had any thought attacks lately too?
Have a great week.
Meiron 🙂