Travel insurance

New Contributor

Travel insurance

Hello everyone, 

Hoping someone can help. 

My mum is living with cancer. We are booked to go to Bali next month. Her doctor has cleared this. 

I am looking to get travel insurance for her if possible. Can anyone recommend an insurance company that will cover her? Hoping for a major one, not a small one, to ensure they follow through if insurance is needed.

Thanks for your help. 



Re: Travel insurance

Hello cleomary, I am living with cancer having been diagnosed in December 2021. Having survived surgeries and gruelling chemo all my recent surveillance tests, bloods and scans indicate that I am now cancer free. I am flying to Spain this September to walk the pilgrimage, Camino De Santiago and I have clearance from my two surgeons and my oncologist. I wanted travel insurance and contacted over 20 insurance companies who all say the same thing….I will not be covered for any medical situation related to my cancer. Most were happy to cover me for all other situations such as loss of luggage, flight cancellations, medical situations not related to cancer etc etc. I believe some companies will insure after a certain number of years of being cancer free. In the end, after a great deal of soul searching and many sessions with my clinical psychologist, I have just had to take a leap of faith and trust that I will be ok. It was a really hard decision to make but in the end there really was no choice apart from not travelling at all. Believe me, I inquired everywhere and the answers were always the same. I am so sorry you are faced with this issue now and I wish you the best of luck. Cancer is such a devastating diagnosis and has so many complicated ramifications.  Ultreya….onwards with courage 🙏💖

New Contributor

Re: Travel insurance

Thank you so much for your considered response. Very much appreciated. 

Wishing you all the best. 

New Contributor

Re: Travel insurance

Hi again, 

Just wondering if you can tell me what companies will provide cover that doesn't include pre existing conditions. 

Thanks so much. 


Re: Travel insurance

Hi Cleomary 


you have to disclose all medical conditions for travel insurance, I have just traveled and could not get travel insurance to cover my cancer, you get insurance to cover everything else but of course if anything happens regardless the  insurance company will always say it is cancer related, and if you do get insurance to cover cancer the premium is so expensive as it is an extra cost, you can try Medibank Private they do travel insurance 

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