Wombat WA Update


Wombat WA Update

Well Dr is Very Happy with latest CT scan said “it” MEC had shrunk  a quarter of its original size
With evidence of intrusion of radiation and chemo into ribs which has helped with shrinkage which is a good result he said catch up again in a month
Recommended more fruit vegies and some weights
Less pain killers where possible
So I’m happy with that lol always xoxo

Super Contributor

Re: Wombat WA Update

Hi PeterK,

Glad to hear that the treatment is giving you some good results.

How much more treatment do you have left to go?

Did you end up doing the weights?




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Re: Wombat WA Update

Hi sch

Thank For your message, much appreciated

I finished all treatment radiation therapy and chemo in December & so pleased with that “chemo” really  sux

Eating anything and everything putting on weight, have 70% energy back still fatigued at time ms but doing ok

Doing some weight training at home every 2nd day so swing small improvements there

Have catch up with Dr tomorrow arvo so hope to be in a better position to work more remotely 

Many Thanks again for your txt thoughts and wishes 

Kind Regards Peter

Super Contributor

Re: Wombat WA Update

Hi Peter,

Well done on getting through all the treatment!

I didn't have radiation treatment myself, but the chemo sure sucked.

After my diagnosis I had surgery which was initially quite painful to recovery from. But you heal after a while of recovery and that's that.

Chemo, well, it just keeps on giving!


The fatigue is a bit of a killer. I still have that now.


I hope tomorrow goes well. Best of luck.



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