Feel good, enjoyments of life...

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Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

lol larn ... do you manage to keep a straight face ??? That fish one is a classic!! I remember when my son was very young. He always got up very early and consequently so did i. one morning however, he was up wayyyy before my 6am wake up and when i ventured out to the lounge room. Omgosh what a mess! He had lit some paper and then put it out with cups of water. Of course i had just woken and asked a stupid question "what have you done" he replied "i put it out". SO i am thinking, thinking and i go put the kettle on and my thoughts are that i must handle this as best i can. As i am waiting for the kettle to boil i think "aha" i know, fireman sam!!!! Soooo, i go back into the loungeroom and i say to my son "what do you think fireman sam would say about this?" he was sitting on the floor and fleeting turned to look at me as he said "nothing he is only plastic" ... to that i just said "dont do it again!!" and walked out. lol He never did do it again, just curiosity i think.
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Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

Early last December a chook escaped into the backyard vegies. It was told not to be so naughty and put back in the cage with the others. It escaped again. It was given a good spanking and put in the freezer for fifteen minutes. When it was taken out is kept saying "OK. OK. OK. I'll be good, I'll be good. What did the turkey do wrong?"
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Super Contributor

Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

lol harker ... i must remember to share that one with my chooks if i get some more 😉
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Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

while learning to use BIG words my daughter informed me that her friend asked if she would like to join her church constipation. With a straight face I asked my husband what he thought of that. He answered I think its a crap idea and we both fell about laughing. Min rolls her eyes at us and says, you guys are sooo AM mature.
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Super Contributor

Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

lol larn ... ya better write a book on this kid!!
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Regular Contributor

Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

I just love the irony of the toilet jokes with all us bowel cancer people!! That child must keep you sane. S
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Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

busy day playing t-rex and soccer with the boys at school, then jumping in puddles with puppy on our afternoon walk. Mum says, 'time for a bath Bj.' 'My God Mum, what is wrong with you?' 'Don't be silly, its time to get cleaned up ready for dinner.' 'But it has taken me all day to get this dirty, and now you want me to wash it all away!'
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Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

After watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the umpteenth time, Bj comes out to the loungeroom and says, "Geez Mum, when I grow up, i really want to be like them little orange guys. they are sooooo smart!'
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Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

Keep them coming Alana. They make my day!!! Samex
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Super Contributor

Re: Feel good, enjoyments of life...

Larn ... bottle that kid up 😄
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