Living alone with Cancer and Depression

Occasional Contributor

Re: Living alone with Cancer and Depression

Hi Richard,

Thank you for thinking of me, I'm not too bad today, managing the sides now, but I don't know what I'd do without the sleeping pills the Oncologist prescribed me, when I first started chemo I didn't realise the steroids they gave me with the chemo would make it so hard to sleep and speedy, but the sleeping pill at night for the first about 4 nights after the chemo help SO MUCH! 

I'm managing now to get out and walk a little.

When I told you about the dog park, I didn't mean I have no pets, I've always loved animals, I have 3 cats, they are Burmese, 1 rescue and 2 brothers. they are quite a lot of work as they are always wanting to play and fussy eaters but that's partly my fault as I spoil them rotten!and they are inside cats, but have lots to play with and climbing posts galore.

So sorry about your fur baby's passing, always so sad. Sometimes a cat can be happy in a small apartment if you can give it enough love and play, it'd be nice for you to have a companion.

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time, but glad the pain's eased.

When you see your specialist you should maybe write down questions to ask so you don't forget, like about the incontinence and why? will it last ? etc.

After my operation I had a stent in for a while ,bypassing the bladder, but after a while that was removed and I'm ok in that way now, as only part of my bladder was removed,so hopefully you will be too at some stage.

Do you have a bladder cancer nurse you can ring or text any questions to? usually there is one working with the Oncologists , my one answers pretty quickly if I text her. It can really ease your worries.

Yes it's good when the sun comes out, everything seems happier 🙂

I'm off now to feed a neighbor's 2 chooks, we give them left over.... roast chicken!! 😆sounds weird but they love it, they also love being patted, very friendly girls, makes me happy being around nature.

I wish you all the best for your op and hope you recover quickly, often the waiting and scary thoughts are worse than the reality, so hope it all goes well.

Sending hugs,

Cindi x


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Occasional Contributor

Re: Living alone with Cancer and Depression

Hi @Richard56 ,

How are you now? I can't stop thinking about you, I really hope you're healing well and not in too much pain.

I found with the pain meds, they cause bad constipation, so maybe you need to take Movical, that helped me.

Also with the pain meds, I slowly cut them down after about 5 days, slowly came off them.

I'd love to hear what's happening with you, I guess you're waiting for results, which can be so hard.

Please keep in touch.

Sending you big hugs,

Cindi xx

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Occasional Contributor

Re: Living alone with Cancer and Depression

Hi Cindi,

Hope you're ok, thinking about you too.

My surgery went ok, this time he removed part of my prostate as well, I was only in 2 days , a cathoda flush for 36hrs, I couldn't sleep...anyway I'm home now and I'm a lot happier, i only have a slight bit of pain, but a lot more when urinating, it will be probably be 4 weeks of healing. I have an appointment with the surgeon on the 15th Oct for a complete review, so I'm staying positive, have to just wait, then see what the oncologist says about treatment.

So last couple of days I've just been watching TV and reading my book, surgeon said limited movement for 10 days, but I will be looking forward to going back to the gym to walk on the treadmill,  and I'm lucky that my gym is only 100m away from me.

So how are you feeling ? and when is your next chemo ?.  Have you been getting out much at all, last couple of days here the weather has been good, a bit of sunshine always helps me.

Hoping you're ok.

Take care,

Sending nice hugs too xx



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