Sorry, I'm a bit spammy this week!

Valued Contributor

Sorry, I'm a bit spammy this week!

Hello everyone!


Apologies for the spam across the main feed this week, I am busy building out the initial content to our knowledge base which is accessible via the Information & Support link.




So please bear with me over the next few days 😘


And please do take a look at what I've been putting up and let me know if there's something you'd really like to see or maybe something you really don't like. This is a long term project for the Online Community, so it will be constantly updated and added to on a regular basis, once I get the initial clump of content out 😊



Cancer Council Online Community Manager

Valued Contributor

Re: Sorry, I'm a bit spammy this week!

You guys get a bit of a reprieve this morning, I am busy doing some other stuff 🤣


Hope everyone is well out there


Here's a song for your Friday, Bruce Springsteen is one of my favourite singers 😍



Have a great Friday!


Cancer Council Online Community Manager

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Valued Contributor

Re: Sorry, I'm a bit spammy this week!

Ok, done with spamming for a while now. Today was the last of the main content posting, thank you everyone for bearing with me.


Over the next few days, I'll be concentrating on adding descriptions and images to the categories but the information is all there.



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