Support for Cancer paitents/suvivors

Occasional Contributor

Support for Cancer paitents/suvivors

Hello everyone,


I was diagnosed with stage IV Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in 2019 where I did 6 rounds of chemo. Since then I have been in and out of remission and I wanted to start a blog dedicated to healing and documenting my joinery through the good and the bad. I hope it can be a positive space for people to visit and feel like they are not alone and we are all in this together!


Below is the link to my blog and I would love for you to visit 🙂

Super Contributor

Re: Support for Cancer paitents/suvivors


Congratulations on remission.

Thanks for the link to your blog. I hope everything is going well for you now.

I'll have to try out the minestrone soup. It looks delicious.



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Occasional Contributor

Re: Support for Cancer paitents/suvivors

Thank You Sch,


I am still undergoing treatment but things are looking positive - keeping my fingers and toes crossed all goes well!!I hope you are well too and the minestrone soup was a hit 😋


The Sana soul.

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