I'm glad your experience has been positive. but there are many that are not.
The issues that you refer to about US healthcare has nothing to do with the quality of care at all. It's all tied in with insurance, and you will find its "not" popular with the majority of citizens who are happy with their healthcare. There are problems, ie: not covering those with preexisting conditions and illegals who clog up their emergency centres because they can't get insurance, and the costs of medical procedures if you don't have insurance, but I can assure you, that it is 10 times better than the rubbish public health system in Australia. There are no waiting lists, you don't wait to see a doctor and the quality of care and service is far above what is received here, even with private health insurance (which covers very little).
My husband had insurance, I didn't work, but I was covered, I received state of the art treatment at the doctor, at the dentist and 70% was covered by his insurance, including medication. Of course if I didn't work and wasn't married I would have been sent to an emergency hospital which looks like your typical public hospital in Australia. In the US they cannot refuse you treatment at these hospitals.
The "socialist" experiment the democrats want to shove down the throat of America, you will find is partially responsible for his tanking poll numbers, and for two subsequent state elections both being won by the republicans after being won by the democrats in the federal election. Americans have seen what happens with public health systems in the UK and Canada and don't want their healthcare dictated to by the govt (which I totally support). In Canada in alot of places, doctors are so hard to see that in order to see a regular GP you have to particpate in a take a ticket system to dictate when the doctor will see you - fancy that.
Politics aside, medicare does not cover everything, neither does Private insurance (my father had the top level of insurance). You don't get anything for nothing in this world and that includes, top quality healthcare and state of the art facilities, and we don't have them in this country unfortunately.
The health system in this country on a whole is not up to par, and needs to lift its game.
I know where I'd rather receive health treatment if I needed it and it wouldnt' be here. My father lived here and to my regret, I went along with his wish to stay here instead of going to the US for treatment or a correct diagnosis and treatment plan.
I experience alot here in 5 years and the shocking things I saw, heard and witnessed in palliative care, public hospitals have made me realise that when I get seriously sick, I have alot to fear.
That's my opinion and I respect yours, but I've also experienced far better treatment and professionalism in the US in the medical field.