lung cancer stage 4

Occasional Contributor

lung cancer stage 4

Hi there, I am new to this, so please bare with me !  My basic history of lung cancer was in 2012 when I had a partial lobectomy. I cruised through until december 2017 and then was diagnosed with Lung cancer stage 4. I have been through rounds of chemo and for the last 7 months due to side effects have been on no treatment until I had a ct scan last week which showed the cancer had increased in size and I have now started on my first Immunotherapy drug [Atezolizumab] which will be ongoing. I am from SA and would dearly love to know if there is anybody in similar circumstances !! 

Valued Contributor

Re: lung cancer stage 4

Hi @lillian1  and welcome!! Smiley Happy


How are you finding being on Immunotherapy?

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Occasional Contributor

Re: lung cancer stage 4

Hi Katekat, Thank you for your reply. I had my first immunotherapy treatment last week and I felt really relaxed. It will be every 3 weeks and my oncologist said it has had some good results and it takes 6 to 9 weeks before it starts to take effect. Early days yet whether I will have side effects but he says I probably wont have any . How about yourself, how are you travelling ? 

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