Documentary from UK Channel 4

Occasional Contributor

Documentary from UK Channel 4

A couple of weeks ago I came across a new documentary on channel 4 in UK, it is called "Curing Cancer" and I do not think that it has appeared on Australian TV yet, I recommend watching it when it does. The program was filmed at the University College Hospital London/Macmillan Cancer Centre. The program of just one hour followed four patients who were going through the latest forms of treatment. On of them had lung cancer and she was given Microwave Ablation, this is a process where a needle is inserted into the tumour, Radio Frequency waves are then applied to the needle, these burn the tumour away. It was very successful for this lady, reducing her tumour by 30%, the plan was for her to return every six weeks for more treatment. This treatment, also called, more accurately, Radio Frequency Ablation can also be used to treat many other forms of cancer where tumours are involved. Also in the program were two prostate cancer patients, one had a very successful operation the other was diagnosed by a new method and was given the all clear. I'm not sure what the fourth person had, it was an egg sized lump on his neck, the targetted therapy got rid of it in two weeks but sadly it returned later and he had to go back to chemotherapy. I will be watching out for this program to appear on Australian TV because I would like to see it again. I was particularly interested in the Ablation which seems to be the most promising new treatment that I've seen for cancer.
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Occasional Contributor

Re: Documentary from UK Channel 4

p.s. Does anyone know if Ablation is available anywhere in Australia?
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