GBM steriotactic radiosurgery


GBM steriotactic radiosurgery

This time last night we were coming to terms with the fact that there multiple satellite nodules growing in my husband's head. Surgery wasn't an option, and we were heading down the Avastin route. However, today the possibility of steriotactic radiosurgery was brought up. My husband had a PET scan and a spect MRI at the radiation oncologists request. There's a big team meeting on Friday morning after which they'll contact us re a plan. Has anyone used this treatment? Re GBM patients/ carers. How long did it keep the tumours at bay? Did anyone follow this treatment with Avastin? I'll find out more information after we meet with the team. Is this a new lease of life for months or just a couple of weeks? Thank you in advance.
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Re: GBM steriotactic radiosurgery

Hi, My husband completed 6 weeks of stereotactic radiation therapy last year to treat his grade 3 astrocytoma Unfortunately, it didn't do anything to slow/stop the tumour, with grow increasing quite quickly in the 2 months following. He started chemo at the beginning of this year, and has good success so far with temodal. When do they plan to start rad? Ben found have miso soup (the japanese soy soup) every day helped with his fatigue during radiation.
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Re: GBM steriotactic radiosurgery

Hi Melanie, Thank you for your response. The results of the PET scan revealed stereotactic radiosurgery would not be the best option for my husband. He'll be going down the Avastin route.
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Re: GBM steriotactic radiosurgery

I hope you have success with avastin!!
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Re: GBM steriotactic radiosurgery

I read your plans have changed but thought I'd share my feedback on stereotactic radiation . My husband has had GBM since April 2010. Stereotactic was done in a single dose compared to the initial 6 week radiation plan (which he also had) His last stereotactic(he has had 2) was NYE 2012 - it seemed to be effective but then out of the blue he started having seizures in March - diagnosis regrowth :-( We too are now on Avastin as his health deteriorated so much there were no other options. The steroids have been increased & after 2 IVs of Avastin he is looking much better. We get scan results Weds to see if Avastin has actually made a difference ....... who knows, the turn around may even be due to steroid increase. Jo
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Re: GBM steriotactic radiosurgery

Hi Smiley, I'm glad your husband has responded well. Hopefully the response is due to the Avastin. Good Luck for Wednesday's MRI. Wednesday's my husband's first dose. Here's hoping!!
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Re: GBM steriotactic radiosurgery

We did two rounds of Avastin with Etopiside. It didn't work. I feel it was offered too late, just my thoughts. We are only a few weeks away from saying good-bye. 2009. - 2013. We are happy with 4 years. Many people don't see 12 months. We must remember, there is no cure for GBM. So, with that in mind, every day is a bonus. Try everything that's offered but try to be mindful that the time is limited, whatever you choose to do. Good luck, this disease is shocking, it is aggressive and relentless. Hold him tight and tell you love him, every day you can. Jo x
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