Hi There,
Thanks for sharing your story on Cancer Connections.
I'm sorry to hear of your battle with Cancer... but it sounds like you're well and truly ready to put up a fight and get on with life caring for your boys.
Please know that you should never feel embarrassed to share your news with people who genuinely care for you.
Sure, its a tricky subject... but its not something that should be avoided or tip toed around.
You have Cancer. You're fighting it... and you've got every chance and luck on your side to beat it.
People may feel like they need to treat you differently and this is something you cannot change - but remember, nothing has changed about who you are, who your family is or what you beleive in.
Cancer is now just a tiny part of what makes you... well, YOU!
Best of luck. We're always here to listen and I hope you're treatments work as planned
All the best