I survived Cancer Treatment :-)

Regular Contributor

Re: I survived Cancer Treatment :-)

Hi Shane,


Good luck with your next round of treatment. I finished my chemo in October too. So far no signs of anything suspicious, but missing blood tests and phone appointment with my surgeon make it difficult to boost my confidence. I'm not worried, hopefully no gnews is good gnews.


I hope all goes well. Keep up the positive attitude.  Take care.




Portly Phil

Super Contributor

Re: I survived Cancer Treatment :-)

Hi Shane,

I just noticed your comment regarding relief about not having to get a portacath.

I had a portacath in my chest, and as long as I didn't go swimming in the days proceeding the chemo, I was told there was no issues with swimming. I also exercised with the port, no issues there at all.

Just information incase you end up having to get one anyway. Don't fear the portacath.

Let me know if you have any questions and I'll answer based on my experience with one.




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