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Hello I was on tamoxifen for breast cancer but my side affects were so bad I couldn't  function now they have put me onto letrozole can anyone tell me what these tablets are like please im worried 

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Re: Letrozole

Hi Jo71,

Sorry I couldn't be of much help here. 

How did you go with letrozole?

How were the side effects?


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Re: Letrozole

Hi Jo71, Ive been on Letrozole for a month now. I haven’t noticed any side effects. Still a fatigued from all my treatments and sleeping quite heavily which is not a bad thing! Fingers crossed it works for you too.
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Re: Letrozole

I'm going to be starting letrozole once I see oncologist in 2 weeks side effects sound awful and giving me anxiety thinking about it.

Got away with not having chemo but chemo seems better at least it's for a period of time and recover but hormone tablets to think 5 to 10 years it's a hell of a long time.

What are people doing to help them through side effects pls .

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Re: Letrozole

Hi sue8 

I am so sorry to read you’re feeling anxious.

 I have been on Letrozole for a year now. I am 47.  The side effects have varied, it’s not been amazing but  things  have settled and it has offered me so much peace of mind as opposed to not being on it. Having had chemo I can also assure you Letrozole is  much easier. 

My advice is avoid the internet . Take Letrozole and see how it works for you.  There are many things you can do to help - supplements; exercise, physio, diet, rest . I had an early menopause, and this is like menopause no 2 but not as bad. 

Most importantly keep talking to your medical team.


sending you hugs.  

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Re: Letrozole


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