
Occasional Contributor


Hello friends

Ive been diagnosed with Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) caused by the radio theorpy for throat cancer some ten years ago. Im in for my second run of  hyperbaric then surgery in the new year removing teeth and part of the jaw at best possibly requiring a bone graft from my leg to rebuild the jaw if it has deteriorated too much ( wont know til they get in there apparently). During my initial treatment I spoke to a few people that had walked a similar path before, giving me a bit of a picture what to expect. Im enquiring if anybody has any advice on what lay ahead .My medical team are helpful but my previous experience found more helpful info from the patients.  Im 44 with a young family I know it will be a tough road for all concerned 



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Super Contributor

Re: Osteoradionecrosis

Really does sound like we're in a similar boat, mate.


Being so young, and having young children - that's the kick in the guts, isn't it ?


I hope your jaw surgery and replacement goes well & congrats on beating the cancer.

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