Pancreatic cancer - exercise programs

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Pancreatic cancer - exercise programs

Recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer … want to get started on exercise program,  considering gym membership.

Super Contributor

Re: Pancreatic cancer - exercise programs

Hi @Ned 

I'm sorry to hear about your diagnoses. I hope you're doing ok.

How are you feeling?


Before starting an exercise program I would suggest that you discuss this first with your GP and cancer treatment team. They should be able to able to let you the all clear. I wouldn't advise starting an exercise without getting the all clear first.

Having said that, exercise during cancer treatment ( has some guidelines and some tips.

What you can do and where you start will depend on current level of fitness.


Best of luck


Super Contributor

Re: Pancreatic cancer - exercise programs

Hi Ned

Exactly as Sean wrote check with medicos first,I was encouraged to walk while waiting for Whipple,but that was after extensive testing to see if I was eligible for surgery and  after a stent was put in before that I was in a wheelchair no strength to walk.

Good luck

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