Starting Keytruda immunotherapy

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Starting Keytruda immunotherapy

I am begining treatment for stage 4 bowel cancer using Keytruda in 10 days and I was wondering (and hoping) if anyone had also had this treatment and how you may have responded or any side effects I would love to know. I'm finding it quite hard to find anyone who has had any experience with the treatment.

Thank you in advance

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Re: Starting Keytruda immunotherapy

Hi Dacey, I have been treated with Keytruda for eight months now - along with an oral dose of Lenvima (lenvatinib). I have stage four endometrial cancer which has lodged in my lungs much to everyone's puzzlement. ( I had uterine cancer 15 years ago.) The treatment has resulted in some shrinkage in my tumours. At first I had quite severe side effects - high blood pressure, nausea, extreme fatigue, joint pain and more. After three months, the LenVima dose was reduced and the side effects have to some extent too. Still get fatigue attacks and have gastrointestinal issues. I have to eat small meals I and try to conserve my energy for the more important things. I hope you are now going along OK with your treatment.

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