Starting Radiotherapy


Re: Starting Radiotherapy

Hi Leesa Hope things are going well with you... (((HUGS))) Alison
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Re: Starting Radiotherapy

Hi Rodney and Alison, Thanks for your posts, actually things are going pretty good (so far)! I am into week 4 of 6 1/2 wks Radiotherapy and I am just starting now to get some burn to neck and underjaw, but I havent lost my taste, I havent developed dry mouth, sore throat. I do get swelling around the chin (which drives me nuts with the mask)and abit of fatigue especially on exertion in the arfys. I drive everyday to Toowoomba and home again, but Im doing ok. (So far) Hopefully all well your end Rodney, and Hugs back Alison, hope you are doing alright since the loss of your Dad. Take care. HUGS back to both of you! ps. I had the mask on for a further 10 mins last Friday, Beta decided he liked my company that much, he broke down! lol half my luck.
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