Hi Krys thanks for those updates, was starting to think i was the only triple neg around! I have now finished treatment and had my last round of chemo last August. My energy levels are getting back to normal - joined the gym again to just do some light exercise, i'm not pushing myself too hard. Had some good news this week, I had some genetic testing done for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene, and I just got the results back. There are no mutations in those genes, so that was a very positive outcome. It worries me, there are no "after treatments" for our type of cancer, and I am considering a prophylactic mastectomy. I feel like I need to take some control, you know? Anyway, stay strong throughout your chemo, it will be over before you know it. The only advise I can give you, take one step at the time. Live from one stage to the next, it seems easier to cope that way. Other tips: Lemon barley cordial, Lipton Lemon Ice tea, minties to chew on. Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream for dry skin. My full "C" history is in my profile. Good luck, take care Barbe x