What if cannabis could cure cancer (2010)

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Re: What if cannabis could cure cancer (2010)

Cabot's, nothing else will do. H
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Re: What if cannabis could cure cancer (2010)

shellac gives some interesting finishes
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Re: What if cannabis could cure cancer (2010)

A bloke I know smokes the weed all the time it seems to calm him as he is a diagnosed schizophrenic, and the medics have cut is mad injection down from 12 a year to 6 a year so they must be some good in it. I say mad injection as that is the words that he uses when referring to it:) Dave It so cold here in perth today and would freeze the balls off a brass monkey
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Regular Contributor

Re: What if cannabis could cure cancer (2010)

Can we have smoked salmon with the cream cheese , Sailor?
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Re: What if cannabis could cure cancer (2010)

How do you train salmon to smoke dope?
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Occasional Contributor

Re: What if cannabis could cure cancer (2010)

who knows - all I know is that it keeps me nausea free, and gives some mental relief. Proven cure? - who knows, and really I am so stuffed I cant be bothered doing the research to find out. But, since its on the Internet, it MUST be right, yes?
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