oesophageal cancer inoperable

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oesophageal cancer inoperable

any one got any ideas on how radiotherapy and chemo are together,they reckon its like real bad sunburn in the throat,its my only option but they think it will give me another 2 months or so.ime 45 so not to old,having trouble finding anyone alive thats had this,its at the bottom of my oesophagas and is 12cm long and chemo didnt do much.thanks
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Re: oesophageal cancer inoperable

HI Shaneo Really sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I cannot imagine what you are going through. I was also 45 when I was diagnosed with the same cancer but my tumour was only 5cm long although it was virtually blocking my esophagus so eating was just not happening. I was more fortunate as despite a few scares of secondary's it turned out this was the only place I had a tunour and it responded really well to chemo and mine was operable so I had the operation to rearrange my digestive system in December 2011 and found out that the chemo had managed to eliminate the cancer with no traces in any of the tissues removed, They removed 10cms of my esophagus. I hope that the treatment they are going to give you can give you more than the 2 months you are stating, during chemo I met another man who had the same cancer which was inoperable but this was a reoccurrence and he had been on remission for almost 5 years and yes it was a real downer that it had returned but he had not been given a very long life expectancy after the first tumour was dealt with so there is hope for more time than they are predicting. Good luck with your treatment and hopefully you get a lot more time that you have stated. Kasianne
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Re: oesophageal cancer inoperable

thanks ive have heard of many people living longer but the three ive spoke to in victoria here have all passed on they where all between 7 and 12 months after diagnosis,but they never had the radiotherapy and chemo at once like they have offered me i want to try find someone thats had it to see if its as bad as they tell me.any all good ime prepared for whatever comes,kids have been kept up to date and happy days.
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