I have escaped the clutches of St George Private hospital and spent the last 2 days in a nearby hospital associated unit. Still very sore but managed to walk about a One Km lunch. It was worth it. I am quite sore tough but managing with Panadol.
I see the Professor in a months time before having radioactive microspheres (SIR-Spheres®) that contain yttrium-90 that emit high energy beta radiation in about 6 weeks time. Go here http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/11/021112075901.htm for more information.
It does involve a overnight stay at StVincents Hospital. This as I understand is just to mop up any tumor tissue that may have been missed, and is a nice once off alternative to precautionary post Operative chemotherapy. I continue to be amassed at the wealth of treatments available once you step out of the Chemotherapy mold.
I feel very privileged to have been treated by Professor Morris, and he has given my family a far greater hope.
I had 11 tumors ( all but 4 mostly small) in my liver and was very lucky that he finally agreed to treat me. Rarely can so many tumors be treated with out significant risks. I guess I had fitness and a determination to beat the 'litle buggers'
So people reading this who have been touched by bowel cancer and metz don't give up, keep fighting, and find cancer specialists who give you the results you want
Enough for now
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