😞 I'm so sorry that you have to be going through
Yes, I am unfortunately in the same boat- I'm 31, my DH is 35 and he was diagnosed with a stage 3 astrocytoma 1 week after my second daughter was born.
It is hell, unbelievable, rollercoaster through hell.
Although, it does get easier- I know that sounds hard to believe but it does. My eldest is almost 4 and my youngest is now 15 months, and life is alot easier for me & the girls now.
Do you have family support? This is how I cope, and it is also how my girls get a bit of respite for themselves.
They need someone who can give them 100% attention, just once in a while, which understandably is very very hard for me to do. If I take them out, in the back of my head I am worrying if he has fallen, or hurt himself at home. When we are at home, I am caring for him, then them, then cleaning the house & making the food.
I joined a gym, Fernwood, for 2 reasons- one, so I could have a shower & breakfast on my own if need by and two, so I could get some exercise. It was the best thing I ever did, gave me perspective, especially during some of the dark times. I spent many a day crying on the treadmill.
I am always around, if you need to chat, send me through a pm
We will survive this, this I promise you.
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