Hi neen
Thanks for the post. It sounds like there is a lot of love in your family. The little one is amazing, being able to cut through the surface and say that to you.
From my experience I can see that your response to all this is not going to be the same as your husband's or your daughter's. Each of them is asking the same question as you, ie. what does this mean for me? And each of them is going to have to find an answer for themselves. Your daughter is clearly well down the track with that, even at such a young age, and you should be very proud of her. But she is going to have to find her way of dealing with it. The only help you can give, in my view, is to try and understand that. Same for your husband, although you can talk about reactions with him in more detail, of course.
You would be loving them without the illness. So keep doing that. Don't put pressure on yourself here. You need to conserve energy.
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