Hey PS,
You are so so right, our medical system is not at the level it should be.
My aunt was 36 when she had an abnormality on her pap smear, she was told not to worry about it. 6 months later she was rushed to hosital for emergency surgery for her cervical cancer...then 1 year after that passed away. Something I will never forget I was only 13 at the time. her time was cut way to short and it was not her own doing, she trusted her doctors.
I obviously worte the beginning thread was 6 years misdiagnosed.
My husbnad spent 6 months being misdiagnosed and although we kept pushing Drs kept just avoiding tests ect. Luckily someone ordered a full body scan and found his pelvic tumour which needed extraction immediately. He almost lots his life because of Drs not doing their job.
Our system does need an overhaul, our Drs need to listen. I believe Drs bedside manor these days is atrocious, they are so busy saying "i don't know, its porbbaly nothing" or "lets investigate futher" they palm off the issue and put us all at risk of not getting the treatment we require in time.
Infact your suggestion of our medical system overhaul I think deserves its own blog, I would love to see everyones opinions on the current system. Thanks for bringing it up PS, as you can see its a big bear of mine.
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