Hiya Jill
Yup i do wish i had been on a holiday and gosh saying or thinking that phrase alllllllways reminds me of the move "chicken run" lol
Tomorrow i am catching the train up which means i have to leave my house by 5am and my appointment is not till 2pm and then another at 3pm and possibly one more after that. Now pats are saying that i need to get the doctor to sign saying that it is necessary that i stay overnight. Am really getting to be "over" the beaurocrats that clearly have not had to travel for their treatment. So to be able to claim i have already made one phone, now i have to call them again and tell them that i am there and they will fax a form to me, of which i need to get signed and get it back to them. One does wonder at times. You would think simply having to have such a long day already was enough. Combined with the fact that i am having a needle biopsy on a lump i have found. Whilst i have a handle on feelings etc... it is almost as if they just want to push us over the edge!
Sorry for the rant but am over it all at the moment.
oops nearly forgot to say about your car and travels ... i know its just imcredible how many miles we rack up going backwards and forwards. I am almost glad i didnt bother to equate my back n forwards bits too. haha I dont want to feel more exhausted. Was so glad to hear you are getting such practical help at the moment. One thing i have found with all of this is that although we sometimes see the not so good side of humanity and yet we are shown the wonderful bits where people go completely out of their way to help.
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