Another huge blow, this one has knocked the wind out of me.
I am shaking.
At 1.50am this morning I am woken by a text message on my mobile phone, it is from Greg. It reads, "I have returned to room 26 - Alex doesn't know where we moved to, love you lots Gregz".
I am freaking out, what is happening, I ring the ward desk immediately, no answer I get diverted to main desk and they can't get anyone on the ward. What is happening? They try another number and I get a nurse on the ward.
I tell her that I have received a disturbing text from Greg and ask her to go and check Greg's room. She tells me she has been working in the room opposite his all night and he is fine. I ask her to check, she agrees to and puts the phone down but doesn't put me on hold. I wait and then I hear, CALL SECURITY, I am freaking, has he wandered off?
I wait for what seems an eternity and she comes back, I can hear the fear/anxiety in her voice, Greg had his bag all packed, was dressed and was about to leave to find room 26. (He is in room 26). She tells me she is going to get security to come and 'detain' him and will call the night doctor. She will get him settled and then phone me back.
What do I do?
Greg rings me and tells me he was going to go to room 26 but says he has been sprung and that he has to wait there. I tell him to stay there and try to get some sleep. I know he is not understanding anything I say. I send him a text telling him I left photos of the boys for him in room 26 and that he should look at them for me and wait there.
I get another text from him "I've packed the photo's, MRI and note pad. The door now has on it room 26 on it so we have to stay put and want me to go back to sleep. They appear to get this sort of thing quite regularly, so have systems in place to handle it. What room are you in?"
My heart sinks..........I send him a text back (he seems to be understanding more if it is written rather than verbal), I tell him their systems are good and that he should stay there. I know where room 26 is and it is a nicer room than mine, so I will come to his room. He should have a sleep while he waits for me.
I ring the ward desk again, it rings and rings. I don't want it to divert so I hang up and try again. My mobile rings and it is Greg's number showing but the nurse is speaking. I take a breath. She tells me he is calming down, they have given him a mild sedative under his tongue and she has another if she needs it later. She tells me someone is sitting in the room with him and will stay there all night with him. She has taken his mobile off him and will keep it until the morning and that I should relax. She will phone me if anything else happens.
Relax? How the f@#* do they think I can relax.
So here I am at 3am in the morning (WA time) posting an SOS message to you all.
What am I going to find when I go to see him this morning? I have had 2 hours sleep, only 3 hours the two previous nights.
I had a horrible feeling that today we were going to get more bad news, we have a friend whose birthday it is today. Each time we have had bad news, it has fallen on a 'significant' date.
I am shit scared.
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